accessibility   B E N E F I C I O S


  1. Salarios competitivos
  2. Prestaciones superiores a la ley
  3. Seguro de Gastos Médicos Mayores
  4. Excelente ambiente de trabajo
  5. Entre otros.

card_membership   E X P E R I E N C I A

Job Summary

  1. Manage and communicate SEO as business strategy with measurable goals.
  2. Work with the digital marketing team to plan, implement and improve campaign performance aligned with client goals and initiatives.
  3. Help XB Franchise clients establish organic and paid search business goals and provide actionable reports to help them reach these goals.
  4. Manage day-to-day campaign activity and client deliverables.

chrome_reader_mode   R E Q U I S I T O S

Sexo: Indistinto
Inglés: 80 %


  1. +2 years of experience with key aspects of building a digital marketing strategy, including SEO, SEM, PPC, social media, marketing and/or email marketing.
  2. Experience with Google technologies, including Google Analytics, Tag Manager, and Ads.
  3. Basic knowledge of HTML as well as experience with link building website optimization, and web design.

domain   E M P R E S A

Empresa XB Franchise Solutions
Web XB Franchise Solutions
Calle Blvd. Fremont
Número 232
Colonia Benito Juarez
Código Postal 83554
País México
Estado Baja California
Municipio Mexicali
RFC XFS211118VA4
Teléfono 6864613110
XB Franchise Solutions

Somo una empresa con 11 años de experiencia en el área, ofrecemos servicio de back-office a las cadenas de restaurantes de comida rápida en Estados Unidos que va desde Contabilidad hasta Soporte de IT.


notification_important   O B S E R V A C I O N E S

Responsible for developing and implementing SEO/SEM initiatives.You will work toward improving search engine visibility for XB Fracnhise and clients.You will own the creation and execution of SEO strategy with guidance and support from the Digital Marketing department.